
domenica 27 gennaio 2008

Giorgia, Stonata tour 2008

E' in airplay "La la song", il nuovo singolo di Giorgia estratto dall'ultimo album "Stonata" uscito lo scorso 9 novembre. "La la song (non credo di essere al sicuro)" è come un fumetto: bisogna immaginare le strofe disegnate e ridere delle occasioni che si ripetono e dei problemi veri nascosti nel più e nel meno. La musica è un reaggeton bianco con una citazione del "Tango della gelosia" con la fisarmonica di Gianni Davoli e il quartetto d'archi Chirera. Il basso elettrico è suonato da Marco Siniscalco della band Aires Tango.
Intanto il prossimo 22 febbraio Giorgia debutterà dal Mandela Forum di Firenze con la nuova tournée che la porterà nei principali palasport italiani.

Le date in programma:
22 febbraio, Firenze, Mandela Forum
23 febbraio, Padova, PalaNet
25 febbraio, Assago (Mi), DatchForum
26 febbraio, Torino, PalaMazda
28 febbraio, Genova, PalaVaillant
1 marzo, Parma, Palaraschi
2 marzo, Brescia, Palasport
4 marzo, Ravenna, Pala De Andrè
5 marzo, Porto San giorgio, Palasport
7 marzo, Roseto degli Abruzzi, Palasport
8 marzo, Barletta, Palasport
10 marzo, Palermo, Palasport
11 marzo, Catania, Palacatania
13 matzo, Napoli, Palapartenope
15 marzo, Roma, Palalottomatica

4 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

I've had my iPad in support of about 2 months at this very moment and I'm considerable you, Steve jobs certainly has his disposition of converting people to be a Mac/Apple fan. I own the iPad without 3G because I didn't scarcity to have to pay on the side of a supplemental specialty in rank to be bruited about the micro SIM card. So I've kinda reasonable lived with my iPad sole where there's wifi connection. Which are aplenty anyway at Starbucks, Mcdonalds, and the libraries. This was once my friend introduced me to a tickety-boo technique round this stew -- a 3G wifi router AP that supports GPRS, GSM, WCDMA, HSUPA, HSDPA, UMT and EDGE!

I purchased the [url=]Huawei E5830 3G WiFi Router AP (WCDMA/HSUPA/HSDPA/UMT/EDGE/GPRS/GSM)[/url] from, in the Networking group, underneath my friend's commendation, and I believe he gets points or commission from my pay for, since he's a affiliate. The router AP is highly little, lightweight and convenient. So these days I can weld to wifi anywhere with mp iPad! I no longer sine qua non to go over acme and low for a wifi AP at cafes etc. Nor invest so much of my money on caffeine overdose at Starbucks and other cafes. Too, the 3G Wifi Router AP supports pretty much all the bandwidths -- GPRS,GSM,WCDMA,HSUPA,HSDPA,UMT,EDGE. Lift a look at pictures I've uploaded of the Huawei 3G WiFi router that has made my life so much easier, and is promoting a healthier caffeine-free lifestyle. It proves that a geek lifestyle does not ineluctably force to take off hand in hand with coffee.

And to reflect on I was considering paying leftover to upgrade to the iPad that supports 3G! I'm so thrilled that that's not necessary anymore with this 3G wifi router AP. I can right-minded lock to the internet wherever I am with the Huawei 3G Wifi Router, as long as there is signal. This is not a technology gadget per se, but it has certainly made my flair this point more effectual! More than that, I'm able to lay my money that I would generally speaking fritter away on Starbucks, McCafe, and other cafes with wifi! Which, through the fail, makes me miracle whether it's a ploy by Steve Jobs, to prepare launched the 3G iPad interpretation no greater than much later, so that wifi cafes can delight in loads of trade from iPad wifi version. But I digress.

The 3G WiFi router AP I bought from [url=][/url] would unquestionably also be clever to discharge me download and play one's part about with my apps on my iTouch, granted I haven't tried it yet. Shouldn't be a problem I should think. This $100+ may be the overwhelm hard cash I've used up since it enables me to entertain a species of WiFi hub wherever I am. If I was more entrepreneurial, I can fifty-fifty start charging other geeks at cafes without WiFi for the benefit of oblation access to them. I'm steadfast I can easily earn abandon the $100 this way! Alternatively, maybe I can start being an affiliate of too, since I'm starting to buy more gadgets and tools there, and take been spreading brief conversation vibrant to my household and friends. In addition, Christmas is coming in less than 2 months' continually, and I think this Huawei 3G WiFi router would make a gorgeous cumshaw as a replacement for diverse of my tech geek friends. I'm satisfied they'll also valuable how streamlined and chilliness the router looks!

Anonimo ha detto...

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Anonimo ha detto...

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